Welcome to neoG Camp

Join our fullstack web development bootcamp where you learn by creating projects.

What are the skills covered?

HTML + CSS + VanillaJS

You start with basics with us. Does not matter if you are a beginner or intermediate it is always good to have a strong understanding.

React Ecosystem

You will learn React, Redux, Flux Architecture and React Router. You will learn about the React ecosystem and how everything works.

ExpressJS + DB

You will make full-stack apps and with a back end to store data or interact with the server. You will also learn Authentication.

Industry-Standard Coding

Develop an understanding of comments, correct variable names, Testing, Typescript and type system.

Javascript for Interviews

You will discover the mysterious world of JS interviews. You will learn what is not taught to us but is asked in interviews.

Admission Fee

    ₹ 40,000/-  +18% GST*

    EMI options are available as well.

    *A convenience fee may be charged by the payment gateway you choose to pay with.