Community Guidelines

Your online participation with neoG Camp and use of our services or this website is subject to these Guidelines and our Terms of Use.

Be respectful of others

Each of our community members (neoGrammers, mentors and everyone) is unique. Other members are likely to have abilities, expertise, interests, and ideas that are different from your own. We ask you to respect all community members at all times. Don’t put down the opinion or advice given by another member. Respectfully explain why you disagree with someone. Address the points they’ve raised in a way that you would like to be addressed.

Personal attacks and accusations of wrongdoing are not acceptable in our community. If you feel that you’re being attacked, address the points raised and not the tone or manner they are delivered in.

Complain in private

Report wrongdoings to us by private message in the forums or by email or by tagging the Admins of the Community.

Respect others’ hard-work

Respect others’ work, as well: don’t copy and post content from another source without the express permission of the owner of the content. The community has beginners, intermediates, advanced level of programmers and learners with us, know this and always respect if someone is trying to take your feedback or help. Know that learning to put forward your criticism in a positive and constructive way and adapting the nature of building good relationships will help you professionally as well.

Understand the vision

Please understand that the neoG Community and the Team Tanay Community have been created with a sole purpose to guide you and present you with the opportunities of a well-focussed peer group, a strong alumni structure, a dedicated group to reflect and grow with each-other. We encourage you to have faith in this vision and always be ready to help your fellow neoGrammer. Know that your small help can build someone’s life and career.

No advertising

Posting with the intention of marketing a product or hiring posts are not permitted on any of our platforms. This includes linking to your personal website or a website you are affiliated with for the sole purpose of generating traffic to the website or improving search rankings. Be sure any links you post specifically answer a question or are directly relevant to your post and the topic being discussed during the lectures. Please utilize this community to grow and learn and not as a marketplace.

Be careful before sharing your personal information

We encourage everyone to have an open and public discussion in a civilised and productive manner. Please refrain from personal chats or direct messages unless it is absolutely necessary or you are familiar with the other person. Please know that any personal communication will be your sole responsibility and we can not and will not monitor personal chats and messages regularly. Please ensure the safety and authenticity of any other user before sharing your personal information with them. We all are working towards building a trustworthy and helpful community. But if there is any encounter or communication that you think is not as per our community guidelines, please feel free to report it to us on the below mentioned contact details or on our official forums.

Post relevant content

Make sure that your post is relevant to the topic being discussed when you post to our forums or comment areas. Don’t post the same message in multiple places, as this will cause confusion and be interpreted as spam. Our forums, comment areas and reviews are publicly viewable, so don’t post personal or private information including order numbers, phone numbers or addresses.

Be reasonable and perform in good faith

You shall always perform all the actions including but not limited to project submissions, communication, dispute resolution, criticism, feedback providence, in good faith and in a reasonable manner. We encourage keeping an open and inclusive mindset. We take pride in being respectful about everyone’s choices and opinions.

Specific Guidelines for Posting Product Reviews

We encourage all product reviews, positive or negative, as long as they include an explanation of the rating chosen. A review that says “Your project sucks.” will be removed. Think of product reviews and other comments as guides for other users of our Community. Reviews can be brief, but they must contain specifics.

Take Responsibility

You understand that all the projects/information/data that you provide to us or any other person in this community should be and will be presumed as correct and accurate. It is your responsibility to check and ensure their authenticity and reliability.

We encourage you to be open and free about taking responsibility for any mistakes made by you or by us and share about it. We as a Community will try to find productive ways to resolve the issue for everyone.

Need help?

If you have questions, concerns or suggestions we encourage you to email us at

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© neoG Camp. All rights reserved